Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room T-1
Members in Attendance: Ed Cook, Dr. Isadore Temkin, Michael Clark, Alan Zordan, Mayor Ryan Bingham. Others in Attendance: Steven Nocera, Mayoral Aide, Jerry Rollett, Public Works Director, Brian Solywoda, Advisor, Glenn Yeakel, Friar Associates, Bob Prentis, O&G Industries.
- Minutes of MRC Meeting of January 7, 2010 were approved on a motion by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Zordan.
- Overview of project construction status and three week look ahead: Mr. Prentis stated that bathroom fixtures are being installed on the third floor, and that work will continue during the second week of February. Chilled beam installation is complete on floors 3, and 2, and should be completed on the first floor by February 26. Marble restoration and polishing is ongoing on all floors and will continue for the next five weeks. Drywall is complete on floors 2 and 3 and will be completed on floor 1 by the third week in February. Plaster repair is nearly complete on all floors with the exception of minor touch up work. Finish painting is complete on the third and second floors. First floor priming is nearly complete and the two vaults are completely painted. Window sill installation and trimming is slightly behind
schedule but will begin during the week of February 15th. Estimates are that it will take 1 week per floor to install sills and window trim. Mr. Prentis stated that the sill delay is not affecting other contractors and will not delay the project. The pieces will be primed and given first coat before installation reducing time to completion of painting.. The Traffic Building TCO is processed, the building belongs to the City; landscaping will be installed in the spring.
- Presentation of Final Updates to Veterans Memorial: Glenn Yeakel stated that the Veterans Memorial panels are in the process of name etching, and he has given final approval of the Gold Star veterans wall etching. First panels to be installed will arrive around the first of March. O&G has been alerted to ensure adequate storage is provided for the crated panels. He stated that Friar continues to coordinate with the engraver on a daily basis and sees no problem in meeting the O&G schedule programmed for the Memorial. Mr. Yeakel stated that the anticipated delivery of new office furnishings remains on track for delivery during the third week of April.
- Mr. Cook presented an update on the status of front entry lighting restoration. He stated that he had worked with Turri Electric in interviewing another restoration resource and that the use of that resource in conjunction with Turri upgrading the lighting electrical components, had provided a bid which was significantly lower that of the previous resource. Mr. Cook stated that he was checking on one last point regarding replacement of the “bottom” glass of the fixture, and would reach his decision/recommendation when his concern had been met. Mr. Clark stated that he was completely confident that Mr. Cook should make the decision without having to present the one remaining factor to the MRC at a later date. In addition to Mr. Cook’s having the greatest knowledge of this portion of the
project, he stated that time was a factor and a decision should not be delayed. Mr. Clark made a motion that Mr. Cook should be authorized to approve the restoration of the front lighting fixtures, without having to present to the MRC so long as additional charges did not exceed the cost already presented by $1500.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Zordan and approved by all members.
- Mr. Clark opened a discussion regarding the three street lights planned for the front and City Hall Avenues. The TDC and City officials preferred a light 1 foot shorter than the mock up at City Hall, and without the grid over the glass. In addition, they had chosen to use an acrylic globe rather than glass. Mr. Cook stated that he felt plastic rather than glass cheapened the “look” of the fixture and expressed concern that it might turn yellow in the future. Mr. Rollett stated that the risk of vandalism should be considered and stated that the type of lighting was unlikely to change the globe color. Dr. Temkin stated that he felt Mr. Cook’s recommendation should be followed, and the MRC should use glass globes at City Hall. The members agreed to the other changes, but tabled a decision on the
glass/acrylic issue until the next meeting.
- Other Business: Mr. Nocera stated that he was scheduling a meeting with department heads involved with merchandise stored in the rear storage area at temporary City Hall. He stated that a program would be put into place to begin organizing everything in the area, discarding and packing as required to prepare for the move back to renovated City Hall.
Mr. Clark stated that he had begun putting together the moving bid, and was on schedule for advertisement around the 18th of March.
- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 on a motion by Mayor Bingham, seconded by Mr. Clark.
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